14.10.2019 11:15

Prof. Dr. Wolfram Pernice from the University of Münster, Germany, gives a talk on "Towards brain-inspired photonic computing".


Our publication on “Novel single-mode narrow-band photon source of high brightness tuned to cesium D2 line” appeared in APL Photonics.


Our publication on “Experimental Two‐Way Communication with One Photon” appeared in Advanced Quantum Technologies.


Raffaele Silvestri, PhD-Student of the Walther-Group, was granted the uni:docs fellowship of the University of Vienna for 2019!


Üblicherweise trägt die Brieftaube die Nachricht stets mit sich; die Information ist an ein physikalisches Objekt gebunden. Der Intuition...


One of our visiting students, Guilherme Luiz Zanin, was awarded the Ernst Mach-Grant!