Software Development for Quantum Cryptography - Interdisciplinary project


We are looking for Bachelor/Masterstudents for an interdisciplinary project

Applicant’s profile:

  • Student of Informatics (or related)
  • Profound knowledge of object-orientated programming (OOP) with python
  • Experience in device communication or FPGA programming is beneficial

Key points of the project:

  • Establish standardised communication to various measurement instruments based on OOP in python
  • Develop an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Suitable for bachelors/master thesis (or projects of similar scope)
  • Preferred starting date: 01.02.2022 - 01.04.2022
  • Extension of the project towards FPGA programming, quantum cryptographic protocols and other related topics possible

The minimal scope of the project is suitable for a motivated bachelor student’s thesis or an internship project. The project can readily be extended to fit a master thesis, based on your existing knowledge and preferences. Please contact us for more details!

The Project

The proposed interdisciplinary project aims to design and integrate a graphical user interface for monitoring and controlling the complex physical setup required for cutting-edge research. In particular, the setup generates single photons in the telecom wavelength regime from a semiconductor quantum dot at cryogenic temperatures, analyses their properties and encodes the photonic states to perform various information theoretically secure cryptographic protocols based on quantum primitives.

This setup includes many instruments (e.g., laser, spectrometer, rotation/translation motor, optical power meter, time tagger) which can be arranged in groups based on their function (e.g., light generation, manipulation, detection) and for different tasks of the setup different subsets of instruments are required. We would like to facilitate the work-flow and gain an intuitive control over the setup by integrating all instruments into a python-based GUI. For most instruments, drivers are supplied by the manufacture or can be constructed from existing code. The main objectives for this system integration project are a high degree of flexibility and reconfigurability, easy use and optimised device communication speed.


Contact information:
Lennart Jehle, MSc.