QUBO wins S&B Award 2024


The University of Vienna's Spinn-off QUBO wins the main Science & Business award of the Sallinger Fond.


Philip Walther, Borivoje Dakic and Stefan Fürnsinn won over the jury with their project "Quantum-Safe Digital Payment" and secured the top prize of EUR 20,000, which is awarded to early-stage commercialisation ideas based on a scientific achievement.

Founded in 2023, QUBO's mission is to develop scalable products based on the potential of quantum technologies that will have a tangible impact on everyday life.
Governments and financial service providers around the world are looking for technological solutions to ensure the security of their payment infrastructure in the future. The technology developed by QUBO, which is based on optical quantum cryptography, makes electronic payments significantly more secure than previously possible.

The founding team of QUBO, Philip Walther, Borivoje Dakic and Stefan Fürnsinn, combines exciting, diverse expertise: world-leading research in experimental and theoretical quantum physics with global business development. With AWS-DeepTech as the most important pre-seed investor, research partnerships with the University of Vienna and its global collaborators as well as leading industry consortia, the team has strong partners at its side.

The world's first quantum payment is to be carried out in Vienna next year.

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(c) Rudolf Sallinger Fonds / Yiting Photo