Our research was featured in News & Views by Nature Photonics


Our paper "Experimental observation of Earth’s rotation with quantum entanglement" has been features by Nature Photonics's News & Views.

Quantum entanglement measures Earth’s rotation

by Giampaolo Pitruzzello

Interferometry is one of the most sensitive techniques available to test physical theories and make measurements. In particular, optical ring interferometers based on the Sagnac effect are commonly used to measure rotation, but their performance is constrained by the shot-noise limit. Employing quantum states of light allows for more sensitive optical phase measurements as compared to classical-light scenarios.

Now, writing in Science Advances, Raffaele Silvestri and colleagues from the University of Vienna report a quantum-based optical-fibre interferometer sufficiently sensitive to measure the rotation of the Earth (R. Silvestri et al. Sci. Adv. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.ado0215; 2024).

Check out the full article here.

c) Marco Di Vita


The experiment was pictured drawing a fiber Sagnac interferometric scheme inside a magnifying inset starting from a local position (Vienna, Austria) of the rotating Earth. Two indistinguishable photons are incident on a beam splitter cube, entanglement between them is created, and then they are coupled in the fiber interferometer.